Shieldwright Conan (2025)

1. Armorer (profession) - Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

  • Every type of armorer increases the armor value based on armor type (light, medium, heavy), decreases the weight, adds durability and attributes to the armor.

  • An Armorer (profession) can be placed in the Thrall slot of the  Armorer's Bench,  Improved Armorer's Bench,  Campaign Armorer's Bench,  Garrison Armorer's Bench,  Saddler's Worktable,  Tinker's Bench and  Casting Table. An Armorer (profession) placed in a  Tanner's Table can provide the ability to turn 4  Hide and 1  Twine into 1  Thick Hide, as well as convert 2  Gossamer into 1  Silk. An Armorer (profession) can also be placed at the  Artisan Table,  Khitan Artisan Table,  Aquilonian Artisan

2. Shieldwright bonuses nerfed? - Xbox Discussion - Funcom Forums

3. Oisun the Smith - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

  • Oisun the Smith ; Specialization. Shieldwright ; Use at. Any Armorer's Bench · Any artisan table · Any Tanner's Table · Casting Table · Saddler's Worktable

  • Oisun the Smith is a named, Tier 4 Armorer NPC of the Exiles Faction. Oisun the Smith can be found at the following locations: Drifter's Rest - TeleportPlayer 224663 152997 -20118 Exiles Camp 05 - TeleportPlayer -62231 249921 -20056 Exiles Camp 07 - TeleportPlayer -43418 224981 -20121 Exiles Camp 08 - TeleportPlayer -42225 208187 -18738 Exiles Camp 10 - TeleportPlayer -18076 254037 -19535 Exiles Camp 11 - TeleportPlayer -14366 242071 -20035 Exiles Camp 14 - TeleportPlayer 14766 212474 -16077 Exi

4. Armorer Named T4 Thralls List for Conan Exiles -

  • This is a list of all known named Tier 4 thralls in Conan Exiles. Find out how to spawn and where to find all the best thralls!

5. Tempersmith and Temperwright - General Discussion - Funcom Forums

  • May 10, 2021 · Tempersmith and Temperwright · Conan Exiles General Discussion ... I was after a bladesmith and shieldwright but got the rest while trying to get ...

  • So it’s been a long absence from Siptah for me, and I have a couple of questions regarding these two crafters. Could anyone remind me which surge areas have a chance to spawn these two? Or confirm any spawn locations for the static camps on the isle? I have the other two types of T4 armorer and haven’t seen a T4 smith yet. I’ve tried searching for this info to no avail.

6. Guide to Thralls: Professions, Tiers, Specializations and Locations

  • A Shieldwright provides the best armor value of any crafted piece. A ... Conan Exiles Wiki Info - Conan Exiles content and materials are trademarks and ...

  • World Anvil is a worldbuilding tools platform and community for writers, RPG storytellers and worldbuilding lovers

7. Conan Exiles Admin Commands | GPORTAL Wiki

  • Here you can find a list of all admin commands for your Conan Exiles server ➜ Our wiki will help you with all your questions about Conan Exiles ➜ Click ...

  • Here you can find a list of all admin commands for your Conan Exiles server ➜ Our wiki will help you with all your questions about Conan Exiles ➜ Click here

8. Named T4 Thralls List for Conan Exiles -

  • This is a list of all known named Tier 4 thralls in Conan Exiles. Find out how to spawn and where to find all the best thralls!

Shieldwright Conan (2025)


What is a Shieldwright Conan? ›

There are three specializations of tier 4 Armorers with different bonuses: Scoutwrights provide the best reduction of the weight of any crafted piece. Shieldwrights provide the best armor value of any crafted piece. Temperwrights provide the best increase of durability of any crafted piece.

What does a scoutwright do in Conan? ›

A Scoutwright provides the best reduction of the weight of any crafted piece.

What does an armorer thrall do? ›

Any Armorer (thrall) grants the recipe for the Redeemed Legion armor set in a Campaign Armorer's Bench or Garrison Armorer's Bench providing you have unlocked the Pride of the Silent Legion feat. Tiers 3 and 4 Armorer (thrall)s grant the recipe for the Derketo Dancer armor set in all benches.

Can you mate in Conan? ›

A husbandry tent or animal pen you can place a male or female in and you can breed them. Each generation gets stronger for both animals and people.

Is Conan A Hyborian? ›

The Hyborian Age was devised by author Robert E. Howard as the post-Atlantean setting of his Conan the Cimmerian stories, designed to fit in with Howard's previous and lesser known tales of Kull, which were set in the Thurian Age at the time of Atlantis.

What is the best thrall pet in Conan? ›

What are the top pets in Conan Exiles? Brutus, Greater Sabretooth, Greater Wolf, Greater Bear, and Sand Reaper Queen.

What is Scout good for? ›

Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives. Try new things. Provide service to others. Build self-confidence.

Do scouting thralls return home? ›

You leave the general area for some period of time. Under these conditions, the thrall goes into Scouting Mode and will return to their last guard spot after approximately 15 minutes of inactivity.

What's the point of thralls Conan Exiles? ›

Thralls are the backbone of your success in Conan Exiles. They are the inhabitants of the Exiled Lands who have been subdued and bound to your will. These enslaved NPCs can serve various roles, from fearless fighters to skilled crafters and even entertainers.

Is armorer worth it? ›

It is worth it. Armorer is one of the best and probably the most consistent perk in the entire game. Its tier 7 card gives you 2 seconds of invulnerability on armor break, which is immensely useful in the right hands. You just need to learn how to play slowly, trust me you don't want to rush with armorer.

What is the best weapon to knock out thralls? ›

Using a better truncheon (or a blunted javelin as a melee weapon), with a weapon fitting on it (from the Tinker's Bench) that boosts concussive damage.

Do thralls benefit from armor bonuses? ›

Yes, they get the benefit from +strength if they have a strength weapon and +agility if they have an agility weapon. They only get +follower damage if you are wearing +follower armor, and you do not have the war party perk. Thralls get nothing from + stamina armor.

Was Conan the Barbarian a Cimmerian? ›

Conan is a Cimmerian. The writings of Robert E. Howard (particularly his essay "The Hyborian Age") suggests that his Cimmerians are based on the Celts or perhaps the historic Cimmerians. Conan was born on a battlefield and is the son of a village blacksmith.

What does blood drinker do in Conan Exiles? ›

Blood Drinker is a notable passive skill that grants increased maximum life and additional life leech for damage dealt by attacks.

What is the thing Conan pushes? ›

Conan and some of the children are sold to a tribe called the Vanir and join other children at a gigantic outdoor grain mill, called the Wheel of Pain. They begin pushing the spokes of the wheel, and time passes quickly.

What is the point of thralls in Conan? ›

Thralls can be useful for defending an area against weak, stupid, or disoriented opponents.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.