1. Armorer (profession) - Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom
Every type of armorer increases the armor value based on armor type (light, medium, heavy), decreases the weight, adds durability and attributes to the armor.
An Armorer (profession) can be placed in the Thrall slot of the Armorer's Bench, Improved Armorer's Bench, Campaign Armorer's Bench, Garrison Armorer's Bench, Saddler's Worktable, Tinker's Bench and Casting Table. An Armorer (profession) placed in a Tanner's Table can provide the ability to turn 4 Hide and 1 Twine into 1 Thick Hide, as well as convert 2 Gossamer into 1 Silk. An Armorer (profession) can also be placed at the Artisan Table, Khitan Artisan Table, Aquilonian Artisan
2. Shieldwright bonuses nerfed? - Xbox Discussion - Funcom Forums
More results from forums.funcom.com
I finally got a shieldwright and redid my light armor and each piece only went up 2 to 3 points? Were they nerfed? Wow , not worth all the work to get one anymore then. 🙁
3. Oisun the Smith - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom
Oisun the Smith ; Specialization. Shieldwright ; Use at. Any Armorer's Bench · Any artisan table · Any Tanner's Table · Casting Table · Saddler's Worktable
Oisun the Smith is a named, Tier 4 Armorer NPC of the Exiles Faction. Oisun the Smith can be found at the following locations: Drifter's Rest - TeleportPlayer 224663 152997 -20118 Exiles Camp 05 - TeleportPlayer -62231 249921 -20056 Exiles Camp 07 - TeleportPlayer -43418 224981 -20121 Exiles Camp 08 - TeleportPlayer -42225 208187 -18738 Exiles Camp 10 - TeleportPlayer -18076 254037 -19535 Exiles Camp 11 - TeleportPlayer -14366 242071 -20035 Exiles Camp 14 - TeleportPlayer 14766 212474 -16077 Exi
4. Armorer Named T4 Thralls List for Conan Exiles - Incendar.com
This is a list of all known named Tier 4 thralls in Conan Exiles. Find out how to spawn and where to find all the best thralls!
See AlsoSmall Party Hall Near Me
5. Tempersmith and Temperwright - General Discussion - Funcom Forums
May 10, 2021 · Tempersmith and Temperwright · Conan Exiles General Discussion ... I was after a bladesmith and shieldwright but got the rest while trying to get ...
So it’s been a long absence from Siptah for me, and I have a couple of questions regarding these two crafters. Could anyone remind me which surge areas have a chance to spawn these two? Or confirm any spawn locations for the static camps on the isle? I have the other two types of T4 armorer and haven’t seen a T4 smith yet. I’ve tried searching for this info to no avail.
6. Guide to Thralls: Professions, Tiers, Specializations and Locations
A Shieldwright provides the best armor value of any crafted piece. A ... Conan Exiles Wiki Info - Conan Exiles content and materials are trademarks and ...
World Anvil is a worldbuilding tools platform and community for writers, RPG storytellers and worldbuilding lovers
7. Conan Exiles Admin Commands | GPORTAL Wiki
Here you can find a list of all admin commands for your Conan Exiles server ➜ Our wiki will help you with all your questions about Conan Exiles ➜ Click ...
Here you can find a list of all admin commands for your Conan Exiles server ➜ Our wiki will help you with all your questions about Conan Exiles ➜ Click here
8. Named T4 Thralls List for Conan Exiles - Incendar.com
This is a list of all known named Tier 4 thralls in Conan Exiles. Find out how to spawn and where to find all the best thralls!